PRM Management

Reimagine Your PRM Management Strategy

At TDZ Creative Partners, we know partner programs are becoming increasingly complex and expensive to run and scale, with many moving parts. While your partner portal is just one element of this, efficient and proactive PRM management is also often required for effective onboarding, sales enablement, engagement, and partner success—not to mention your own sanity as a partner program stakeholder.

If you’re responsible for the care and feeding of the PRM or involved from any of the following perspectives, we know you already have a lot on your plate:

  • Channel marketing
  • Sales
  • Operations
  • Program
  • Alliances
  • Ecosystems
  • Technical role

In addition, partners expect and need vendors to provide the appropriate sales enablement, training, and marketing content that partners need to do their jobs well without friction. How do you ensure you’re getting maximum value from your PRM software, while engaging partner reps and accomplishing everything else?

Reimagine how you manage your system with a creative partner like TDZ.


Having Trouble Keeping Up?

Successful channel-focused companies like yours have a system in their technology stack for communicating with, educating, engaging, and motivating channel partners—whether that’s a PRM, a TCMA, or a mixture of both.

A PRM software’s complexity increases, as it must support relationships with more ecosystem partners, such as distributors, value-added resellers (VARs), managed service providers, and OEM alliance partners—not to mention non-transacting partners.

A PRM partner platform that's updated with your partners in mind is vital to keeping them engaged and enabled. If you feel like you don’t have the time—or staff—to truly manage your PRM to best serve your partners, you aren’t alone. Thankfully, there’s help.

Let's Talk

Do you need help managing your partner portal and the content that goes with it? We’d love to talk about your goals and ideas! Contact us to learn about our PRM management services, so we can see about finding more time in your day.


Common Challenges of PRM Management

With all of your program or marketing responsibilities, it can be hard to keep up with managing partner portal tasks such as:

  • Handling the day-to-day upkeep and requests as an admin (even if you have a ticketing system)
  • Compiling and analyzing usage data for actionable insights
  • Finding the data story and presenting it in a meaningful way
  • Keeping content fresh with timely updates
  • Uploading content that’s aligned with key initiatives
  • Creating and loading demand gen campaigns
  • Reviewing and removing old content
  • Ensuring the right partners (by tier, type, geo., etc.) see the content they’re supposed to and don’t see what they're not
  • Customizing and refreshing the look, feel, and navigation of the portal
  • Developing training materials, support for certification programs, and other learning content
  • Launching complex alliance partner sales plays and joint campaigns with the right content, graphics, user visibility, and promotion
  • Continuously improving PRM structure and functionality based on data, experience, and feedback

And you're striving to be strategic on top of all that! We get it.

What We Do At TDZ

Since you rely on your PRM solution to assist in the onboarding and engagement of your channel partners, an effective PRM system needs ongoing attention. The same is true for a TCMA system and its ability to drive customer interactions and leads for partners.

We know your organization made the investment in your PRM/TCMA system to achieve your partner program goals. With the right support, you can realize the full value of that investment—even if you don’t have the internal capacity or headcount to manage it. TDZ is that support.

Once we are brought in as a "creative partner," we handle partner relationship management needs—from ad hoc requests for system and design updates to co-brandable assets—to ensure partners have access to the latest materials to support sales. But we also go further. If you need a sounding board to make decisions about administering or restructuring your system in ways that make sense, we are here for you. We can also work with you reimagine your PRM management strategy post-implementation, including system setup, user and group management, integrations, custom development, and migration (with a little help from our friends).

For TCMA support, content must be curated and carefully planned as your partners are entrusting you to create opportunities for them and protect their reputation. It makes sense to invest in support to maintain your important partner business relationships and allow them to be more effective in marketing your offers while ensuring the integrity of your brand (messaging and visual presentation).

What we do at TDZ is more than PRM or TCMA services, though. It’s Creative Partnering.

We work with you to bring your ideas for a better partner experience to life and help you make more effective strategic decisions. We personalize service so that we can operate as an extension of your team. We also take a holistic approach to managing your systems, placing a high degree of importance on becoming experts on your brand. Because we typically work with stakeholders and channel pros across the organization, we also serve as “connective tissue” between teams to share information and break down silos. (We can also help achieve unity by facilitating Strategy Days.)

Finally, we excel both on the strategic and tactical sides of partner marketing. Our comprehensive level of investment in your success means you never have to worry about managing another vendor. Instead, we serve as a valued partner that wants to solve problems and help you reach your revenue goals.

Thank you for everything you’ve been doing. The portal has been turned around! We were meeting with a new channel leader, and she was not expecting anything because usually they’re so atrocious, but she said, "It looks great, easy to find info."

Director, Channel Marketing

PRM Management Services

Some PRM management services we offer at TDZ are:

  • Conducting a thorough needs analysis
  • Creating and managing groups and visibility rules
  • Auditing existing content
  • Consulting on content gaps
  • Conducting regular portal content updates
  • Creating new content and resources for partners
  • Liaising with your PRM software vendor
  • Providing project management support
  • Compiling meaningful data on user activity
  • Refreshing portal design elements
  • Managing custom development projects
  • Creating and managing schedules/content for TCMA

At TDZ, we can help with these aspects of PRM management as well as alliance partner marketing and related data analytics services.

Partner 'Resource' Management, Fast

With TDZ on board, you get reliable turnarounds for the routine management tasks you don’t have time to do. You also get access to our creative team’s brain power to solve channel, design, or portal challenges and bring new ideas to life.

Did we mention fast turnarounds? We know submitting tickets with internal design or corporate marketing teams for graphic support or PDF updates can result in longer-than-desired wait times. Our friends in corporate and global marketing teams are strapped for time and have to support the entire organization. TDZ takes the pressure off internal marketing resources to turn around channel and partner-facing resources that are always on brand and "channelized" for you quickly.

We Work With Salesforce and Impartner PRM Software Solutions

Strategic sales and customer success representatives know that their clients are looking to leverage—and justify—their investments. This becomes easier when PRM and TCMA systems are properly supported, and when other common pain points are acknowledged. This is where having a creative partner makes all the difference.

They say, “We thought . . .

  • . . . we had the bandwidth or internal resources to learn and manage this system to get the most out of our investment but we don’t, so we need help.”
  • . . . we understood the PRM well enough to make structural decisions based on our business during implementation, but now we’re starting to wonder if we had the best approach (and what to do about it).”
  • . . . we’d be able to keep content fresh and updated for partners to engage them, but we haven’t been able to.”
  • . . .  we’d be able to launch TCMA campaigns that drive results on a regular basis, but those have fallen by the wayside, not been effective, or not gotten the traction we had hoped for.”
  • . . . we would know how to use the system on command but haven't had time to invest in learning to make it second nature, so it takes too long to do even the little stuff—and we have more important things to do."
  • . . . we’d be able to keep up. We know how to populate the portal, but we have a backlog of content to upload.”
  • . . . we could remove outdated information systematically and stay on top of it. We haven’t been able to get to all of that—much less develop a plan for the future.”
  • . . . we would be able to keep up with reporting, measuring success, and presenting results in a meaningful and timely way, but that hasn't been the case.”

Do some of these PRM or TCMA challenges sound familiar? If so, reach out to see if TDZ is a fit.

How Can We Support You?

Whether you need to better manage your TCMA or PRM updates and content or explore partner portal experience improvements, your first step is to reach out. It’s time to find more peace of mind and greater operational bandwidth.